Hello, sorry for delay
3.3v regulator survived (suppriaingly)
With wifi module desoldered nothing was getting hot.
uC replaced, programming using fallback procedure #3 bossa went flawlessly.
I disabled wifi section in coning file (not sure if this was necessary) and board works with uart only.
Warting for new wifi module. I will take opportunity to upgrade to esp-07s.
I will post updates.

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RE: Is my Duet2wifi dead?
Latest posts made by Buhefade
RE: Is my Duet2wifi dead?
Hello, sorry for delay
3.3v regulator survived (suppriaingly)
With wifi module desoldered nothing was getting hot.
uC replaced, programming using fallback procedure #3 bossa went flawlessly.
I disabled wifi section in coning file (not sure if this was necessary) and board works with uart only.
Warting for new wifi module. I will take opportunity to upgrade to esp-07s.
I will post updates. -
RE: Is my Duet2wifi dead?
Assuming uc is dead and after successful replacement should I be able to program virgin uc with just usb, following fallback procedure #2?
RE: Is my Duet2wifi dead?
Dry air + flip-flops + printer on casters + wifi module near the place where it's convinient to grab the frame
Is my Duet2wifi dead?
I definetly damaged my Duet2wifi 1.03 by ESD (I saw the spark, and it stopped to work). Wifi module was started to getting hot, 5v line dropped to 4v.
I removed SD card and desoldered wifi, after this operation board was kind of functional. After connecting to usb it freezed and diag led was on permently (and there were no action after pressing reset button) Once on 10 maybe 20 trays it was booting normally, I was able to connect to it via Yat, send commands and received responses.
I decided to update firmware using fallback procedure #1 updating from 3.4.5 to 3.4.6. I copied Duet2_sdiap32_wifieth.bin and duet2combinedfirmware.bin to sd/firmware and ran m997 s0 command
Now diag led is on all the time, i am not able to hit this 1 on 20 try anymore. Board doesn't respond to reset nor erase button. After connecting to pc via USB system doesn't see board.
Is there any chance I can try something more to recover this board? -
Duet2 wifi cs0 pin
I am trying to connect accelerometer to conn_sd socket (I do already have CS1 upto CS4 in use). Looks like all necessary pins are there but spi_cs0 isn't listed as Duet2 pin name. Does this pin name is different or we just can't use cs0 at all?