So far this has worked well for me, the only issue is I do have to push the button until the command is recognized, so if the printer is doing a long line, it won't catch unless I have the button down at the end of the line before the next command goes in. This is probably expected and its not that big an issue in practice.
This is all the magic from the config.g side, its the "T2" that sets it to run the second trigger file (trigger2.g) when the button is pushed.
;Pause Button
M950 J9 C""
M581 P9 T2 S1
;if !exists global.PausePress ; if it's not created we do so now
global PausePress = false
trigger2.g, its the M24 and M25 that actually call the pause and resume files :
;echo "called at " ^ state.time
G4 P1 ; delay 10ms to debounce
if sensors.gpIn[9].value=1
;echo "debounce"
M99 ; break out if sensor value is zero again (bouncing)
if job.file.fileName !=null ; if there's a job filename then it's reasonably safe to say we are printing
if global.PausePress == false ; the button hasn't been pressed so we'll pause
;echo "Pause"
;echo "resume"
turning the light on and off was the easy part, just turn the pin for that on or off:
M42 P8 S0 ;LED off
set global.PausePress = !global.PausePress ; toggle the value from whatever it was before use "not"
and its magic in config.g:
;output for pause LED
M950 P8 C"io8.out"
M42 P8 S0 ; off by default