@joaquin_suave You can get this one - https://ro.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Cosel/PJMA1000F-36?qs=DRkmTr78QARflml570Qxjw%3D%3D - while announced for 36V, it can be adjusted from 30.8V to 40.8V. Unfortunately 32V is not that usual and 20A is anything but low current...

Controversial posts made by Catalin_RO
RE: NEMA 23 Drama
RE: Large Format CoreXY?
@michaelr123 If you rotate the profile by 90° you will start having issues on the Z axis. If you want something really right, just replace the profile with a beefier one. With minimal changes, the 4040 should be significantly less susceptible to bending. Or, even simpler, attach another 4020 or 20*20 profile to your existing one. As you have nothing running on the lateral slots, just drill 5.5mm holes in through the center of the extra profile, larger through the V-slot so that the screw head will pass through, and secure the extra profile with slot nuts to the existing profile.
For a 1m profile use 5 or 6 screws evenly distributed over its length. Minimal effort for a significant rigidity gain.
You could stick to 3D printed brackets for now, but go for something like PETG and make them a lot thicker. It also helps to design them with guides fort the rails to slide in, so you get the required 90° in the corners a lot easier.
For the stepper metal plates, you should be able to find shops that provide laser cut Aluminium or steel plates. 6-8mm aluminum or 4-6mm stainless should do the job a lot better than the plastic ones. Thicker plates are needed only for milling CNCs. Those companies usually need just a DXF or a technical drawing of the plate.