Yes DHCP is enable..

Posts made by Crille
RE: What G code to try out Z offset when Z0 against heatbed before print?.
2.24 is when ir probe gets triggered, this value i have in config.g also..
Can it be config-overide.g that make this problem?..
Start to think i have forgotten something when i make files.
RE: What G code to try out Z offset when Z0 against heatbed before print?.
To measure that distance, you would need to detect when the nozzle just grips a piece of paper. How do you propose to do that?
The recommended way of finding the trigger height is:
1. Lower the nozzle in increasingly fine steps until it just grips the paper.
2. Send G92 Z0 to define that height as Z=0.
3. Use the jog buttons to raise the nozzle 5mm, and remove the paper.
4. Send G30 S-1The S-1 parameter tells the firmware not to reset the Z=0 level but to report the height at which the probe triggered instead.
Thanks for info
Did try it but still when it will start to print it go down in heatbed and scraping the nozzle.
I have G32 i startcode before it start to print.
What is it i do wrong?.
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
It should be able to handle up to 31 characters. My own SSID is 12 characters long, one more than gixxerturbo.
Are you sure you haven't enabled MAC address filtering on your router?
Yes im 1000% sure that i dont have MAC adress filtering on, did one recheck again and its on OFF in router.
Will try to change WPA2-Personal to WPA2-Auto and see if that works ( New asus SSID have WPA2-Auto and working )..
What G code to try out Z offset when Z0 against heatbed before print?.
Hey all
Is there any G code used to test
the distance from the nozzle to the heating bed ?.I have been looking for it, but I may have missed it in everything.
I would like to know that the nozzle goes down so you just get a piece of paper
under the nozzle.As it is now, the nozzle goes into the heating bed, even though I have made all the settings
and uses IR sensor.I have one kossel printer with duetwifi FW1.20 and IR sensor from same maker.
Thanks in advance.
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Made one Guest SSID ( asus ) and you know what!!! Now its working and connected…. Damn cant duetwifi handle long SSID name?.
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
WPA2-PSK is the one supported by the WiFi module. However, if it was an encryption issue then I would expect you to get a "Wrong password" error, not a "No known networks found".
You could try sending M552 S1 P"gixxerturbo" instead of just M552 S1. Use YAT to send the command, to make sure that the SSID is sent in the correct case.
Tryed out what you say but still no go.
When i make M587 it say gixxerturbo but when i use M552 SI P"gixxerturbo" diden`t find accesspoint… Realy strange this.
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
You said the SSID was GixxerTurbo before, now you just said it is gixxerturbo. Which is it? They are not the same.
I did change SSID to lowercase in router and also in config.g on duetwifi so this not will be one issue.
Can encryption be one issue? I use WPA2-Personal.
( 64-bitars WEP, 128-bitars WEP, WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK, WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise, WPS )So SSID is gixxerturbo.
Info about Router ASUS RT-AC88U.
802.11a : 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54 Mbps
802.11b : 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps
802.11g : 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54 Mbps
802.11n : up to 600 Mbit/s
802.11ac : up to 1734 Mbps
1024QAM (2.4GHz) : up to 1000 Mbps
1024QAM (5GHz) : up to2167 MbpsMIMO technology
2.4 GHz 4 x 4
5 GHz 4 x 4 -
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
What it is saying is that when it does a network scan, none of the network SSIDs that it finds matches any of the ones you have configured using M587, You can use M587 to list the known SSIDs. This could be due to any of several causes:
There is no network in the M587 list whose name matches exactly the name that your router is transmitting. Use a smartphone to check that you know the exact name.
The signal from your router is too weak where the Duet's WiFi antenna is located.
Your router is not transmitting its SSID. This is an option in some routers. You can connect to a hidden SSID by specifying it in the S parameter of the M552 command.
Your router is not transmitting on 2.4HGz at all. Most modern routers can transmit on either or both of 2.4GHz and 5GHz.
The WiFi module has developed a fault in the RF section.
One way to check the WiFi module is to configure its own SSID using M589, then start it in access point mode using M552 S2, then see if you can connect to it from a smartphone or tablet. You need to be running main firmware 1.20 and DuetWiFiServer 1.20 for this to work.
Strange i have SSID gixxerturbo on my router and in my phone and laptop and 2 diffrent pads and all working great… Laptop only 2.4ghz , phone i use both 2.4 and 5ghz band no problem, pads 2,4ghz working great.
I have same SSID in M587 list as router sending out.
Signal from router is perfect.
My SSID is not hidden at all have check.
I have ASUS U88 router and i use both 2,4ghz and 5ghz.Have made own SSID by using M589 and start in access point and phone connect perfect and i have main fw 1.20 and DuetWifiServer is 1.20.
This is realy strange
Need to try to change more in 2,4Ghz in router and see if some happen..
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Still cant connect and have same problem… It would be nice if maker of FW/card step in and give some hint what to do in this matter..
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Have format SD card and put in all new that the card was shipped with, erased board and flash duetwifi fw from bossa and flash latest duetwifi server from pronterface. Then use YAT to put in network SSID and Password reported OK.
Restart board again and still no network grrrr i give up now its something wrong with wifi module in this board. 2 Days and still no go.
Printer is now online.M115
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.20 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.0 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2017-12-23
M552 S1
WiFi reported error: no known networks found ( In YET the network show as OK )
Wifi module is idle
WiFi: scandoneSENDING:M552 S-1
WiFi module stoppedM552 S1
WiFi: ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
WiFi: load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
WiFi: tail 8
WiFi: chksum 0x2d
WiFi: csum 0x2d
WiFi: v3fff34e0
WiFi: ~ld
WiFi module started
WiFi: mode : sta(60:01:94:34:3f:44)
WiFi: add if0
WiFi reported error: no known networks found
Wifi module is idle
WiFi: scandone -
RE: To dc42
Other people besides dc42 are able to help.
I also belive other can help, but in this case when not dc42 have a clue why my wifi dont work and no other also that have answer
thats why i ask for the SD card files to try last time Before i send this board back for replacement. -
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Have you tried reinstalling the WiFi firmware using M997 S1 ? Does it report any errors while it is installing?
I have tryed out that 20times already its the same, no error reported while install.
I have tryed all out now, reflashed old FW still the same it do not work.
No i have no more ide how to solv this.
You have some debug tool for wifi?.
To dc42
is it possible to get complete zipfile from you, what the duetwifi had on the SDcard when duetwifi card was delivered to your reseller?.
You need the number on the sticker on main chip so you can check what it was flashed with?.
If this not working i need to send card back to Swedish reseller to get new one.
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Have you by any chance changed your Router wifi with Mac address filtering? I had filtering on and forgot to put in the
rule. Check you router and see if the Duet is trying to connect.Also do you have DHCP on?
Have check all and no Mac adress filter is on,
Duet dont even try to connect to router, i start to belive y´that the wifi module is faulty on this duet board.
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Check the Case of the names it is important
earlier you had SSI with caps in it now you dont please check carefullyI have change SSID in router so nothing is with caps.
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Please try the just-released firmware 1.20 (both main and WiFi). Note the correct installation order as detailed on the release page of GitHub. If you still can't get it working, you can revert to older firmware.
Have now try this out, but sorry to say its the same… It remember my network but no IP number... This cant be FW issue at all i have try out all
options now. OR do i miss someting?...SENDING:M587
Remembered networks:
gixxerturbo IP= GW= NM= S1
WiFi reported error: no known networks found
Wifi module is idle -
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Have you configured your router to be compatible with legacy radio modes? Your router is an AC router, and possibly is not configured to work with the the G (or N?) standard that the wifi uses.
I have router on automatic and that is both legacy radio and N.
Also tryed to change to only legacy = no go at all.
I start to belive this is a faulty duetwifi, i have tryed out all now and still no go, change my network name and delete all Connections, reflashed several times…
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
Does M552 S1 still report "no known networks found" ?
Yes it does… Is it possible to reverse to older FW this is no fun..
Brand new duetwifi that dont work -
RE: Cant get my duetwifi to work after new FW.
No it will not work..
Printer is now online.
Remembered networks:
GixxerTurbo IP= GW= NM=