Seems to me a great app for non-techies on readily available retail/pro-sumer printers.
Indeed. Astroprint is aimed at non-technical users who just need a plug and play solution (along with a cloud platform).
With the exception of a handful of OEMs there is no value added service that you bring to the table. Not trying to be rude just pointing out that the Duet web control panel, this community, and the majority of users are techie people building out their own machines.
Well, we are compatible with ~80% of desktop 3D Printers in the market right now. I would say that's a lot more than just a 'handful'.
Also, yes, AstroPrint is likely the WRONG choice for the Duet community as you guys are much more technical/advanced than the average consumer.
Astro print is great for printers which must be tethered to a usb… that is if you dont have a rpi with octoprint.... With Duet there is no need for a pi or octoprint thats kind of the point. Dont see the logic in adding another leg that does the exact same thing
Long long time ago, we originally started out as a Octoprint fork, but AstroPrint is a completely different product now. Namely, with a heavy focus on non-technical consumers and cloud features.
Yup, makes sense. If I had a Duet etc, It wouldn't make sense for me to use AstroPrint either
Need to remotely monitor with a camera? Duet does that! Need fast slicing? S3D does that … Need something not already part of the mix? its opensource add it, need a fancy stl rendering engine in the web control panel? already in development, need a new fancy UI for the PanelDue touchpanel? I am sure a few people have thought about creating one. we are not limited by the duet or its control panel.
Quick clarification: You cannot really put remote monitoring and faster slicing in the same bucket because the former is remote and the latter is not. Our slicing engine (which uses CURA) lives exclusively on the cloud.
The other main thing is that we have a public API that allows developers to release any app (for free or paid) on the platform and reach 25k+ users.
In summary, AstroPrint is 100% focused on non-techincal consumers + cloud functionality and simplicity.
Which means, it's likely very irrelevant to 99% of the duet users
At the end of the day, if everyone is happy with their 3D Printer, we are happy – regardless of what combination of product(s)/software is used