I've got a significant reduction in ringing at higher speeds by downsizing so would rather stay with this setup if I can find a way.

Best posts made by dm86
RE: Twin Extruder Motors - Push/Pull
RE: Twin Extruder Motors - Push/Pull
Yes, this isnt clear to me. In the Gcode library it has as example of ;
M906 X300 Y500 Z200 E350:350
but then says;
Example: If you have two motors on your Z axis, physically connected to Z and E0 stepper drivers, configured with M584 Z2:3, set M906 Z200, not M906 Z200:200
So maybe your right these E & Z are treated differently. If so that's great because I could run a much bigger stepper on the frame with a higher current. I could run an M906 E500:1200 to drive these for example.
Does this however mean I have to add the other extruder setup lines such as M350, M92, M566, M203, M201?
I guess it would be good to get confirmation that M567 P0 E1:1 will do what I think and set extrusion rates of 100 on both motors and that I'm not barking up the wrong tree!
On the weight issue I am trying to have my cake and eat it, or at least have the best compromise I can find. I'm currently running water cooled to run high enclosure temps so Zesty or similar would cost me that ability. Perhaps I just need another printer for faster prototyping!
RE: Twin Extruder Motors - Push/Pull
Excellent, thank you @chrishamm
As a quick update I now have it 'working', well everything moving as expected at least.
Fundamentally all that confused me was this line in the GCODE library;
If you have two motors on your Z axis, physically connected to Z and E0 stepper drivers, configured with M584 Z2:3, set M906 Z200, not M906 Z200:200
I incorrectly assumed this applied to extruder motors too, where in reality it seems it does not. Not sure who maintains this text but maybe worth adding an extra note in there to make that a little clearer. Although with hindsight the previous included example of M906 X300 Y500 Z200 E350:350 should have been a clue.
Once I went through and added all the other standard motor parameters everything started working. As my extruders are not totally identical (metal BMG clone on HE & OG one on frame) I'm going to calibrate both extruders individually and go for a test print. Will report back after a few prints.
Thanks all for your input