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Posts made by Epictek
RE: Forum Software - opinions & expertise requested
RE: Gcode visualizer
That looks really sweet!
Will it allow preview (eg if you have a print in simulation mode) ?- I'm in the habit (octoprint) of quickly sanity-checking the print (esp. base layers/support locations+types) before hitting the no-return button
Not currently, The simulate mode doesn't update the current layer info, I could calculate the layer using the z position. Is there a reason the simulation mode doesn't provide layer statistics?
Thats great!
Can you submit it as a pull request to the Github repository?
Will do when I'm done, Still a lot that needs to be added before it's on par with Octoprint
RE: Gcode visualizer
I've been working on implementing gcode.ws in to dwc, currently have it embeded and showing the current layer progress. Working on implementing it in a less hacky way currently