cheers all, from the pointers.
I've got my machine playing nicely now
cheers all, from the pointers.
I've got my machine playing nicely now
@Veti No idea what calibration factor is...
I just followed :-
Here are my Config & home files.
Hi, I am new to using Duet Board, but I've seen and read great things about it. So I choose to replace my old board in my Delta to a Duet Board. I've gone through the Guide " I hope Wrongly " as when I work out the probe off set and then save the config & run the auto calibration. The head just slams into the bed.
After this it will then fail to home on the pillars, it fails to go high enough to hit them.
The only thing I've noticed is that sometime in the web interface after homing the Z will report a number 2 to 3 times bigger than my actual Z Height.
And help or pointer will be greatly received.