Good afternoon,
I am using an Ender 3 chassis which has a BTT e3 RRF installed
- I have a BL touch installed and its offset is X-32.3 and Y-32.3
- I have endstop switches on X and Y and use the BL touch to Home Z
- I have a BTT TFT35 e3 installed, I am controlling from DWC
- When I start a print and G28 Runs, everything homes correctly
- when the print starts, the nozzle is far away from the bed, I can jog it down using baby steps on either the TFT or DWC, but when trying to save the Z-offset (nozzle to bed), the value is not saved and needs to be adjusted for every print
I would be shocked if all you rep rap firmware users were having to baby step on every print, that's not the case right? Even on marlin I could set the nozzle offset and get a perfect first layer every time
I have attached my Config.g and override, please let me know if you need anything else and thank you