and use duet and epansion with can bus, but it is posible operate this cluster of heaters by board and automatic with printing first layers on preheated temperature and than on printing temperature. i now thats posible by separated circuit but i want to complete wing only with duet

Posts made by Goodspeed
RE: Big Heatedbed with 16 separated pid regulated heaters
RE: Big Heatedbed with 16 separated pid regulated heaters
the idea is use 16 heated bed 250x250 and make a one big,
with separate PSU and operated via 16. SSR reley, but when i operate all at one PID timing than the temperature goes inconsistent but when i use 16 thermistors to 16 separate inputs then its posible more precise control the temperature. sorry for my english -
Big Heatedbed with 16 separated pid regulated heaters
Hello im new here
i have question about Duet 3 6hc is it posible connect expansion board Duex 5 and use on printer 16 small separated heaters for big heatbed.
the idea is more precise control temperature on heatbed cca 1200x1200
than one realy big heater and one termistor
thx for help