thanks for all the help I actually found the problem today after using a thermocouple purely on the hot end and heater. The problem was the new all-metal hot end (well new to me). The Bowden tube actually feeds about 30mm into the hot end and touches the nozzle in the cold area, the nozzle is about 44mm for configuration purposes. I had a gap of approx. 3mm that caused the filament to snare, ran the heater at 220 with PLA and it worked perfectly (I still need to set up room temp settings I'm about 2C off).
I still cant understand why the thermometer actually gives decent readings on the Rostock and not the Prometheus but for future reference it now in the trash, DC42 thanks for pointing that out my shortcomings. Also DC42 my parameters for 305 are just standard until I tune it in properly ( M305 P0 T100000 B4388 R4700 H30 L0 ) I'm still in build faze.