Thanks for your fast reply kelchm!

Latest posts made by jandan
RE: Family of connectors used at DuetWifi card
Family of connectors used at DuetWifi card
Is this the family of connectors used at DuetWifi card (made by Würth Elektronik)?
If so, is there also alternative compatible products. If not, what connectors should I use (not accepting a switch of insert direction).Jan Dansson
Sweden -
RE: Controlling my heated bed and SSR from DuetWifi
Thanks for all advice's. I had a small feeling that an SSR was not needed in this case, but would not rely on my own judgment in this case.
Controlling my heated bed and SSR from DuetWifi
I posted this question in another tread and was probably not very good at explaining my self. This time a simple drawing is attached to describe the parts I have in mind.
Power for the heated bed is delivered from the DuetWifi card, i.e the terminal dedicated for this, NOT from any PSU external. It's 24 volt.
I suppose this would be more straightforward if a connected switch or button open the SSR with a signal. But here I want, if possible, DuetWifi to do this instead, that after a command from the web interface. How can DuetWifi, while delivering power over the terminal, close or open this, i.e control the SSR? Maybe there is a straightforward way for someone knowing more about the card or this type of wiring. As you probably already notice, my insight is limited.
PS. I suppose Duet could just cut the power output. Then, why would I need the SSR?Here is the SSR I have in mind:
RE: Controlling power to the heated bed from web interface while using SSR
Thanks for your reply and help.
I obviously has limited understanding of how to wire this. Still don't get it (who wired my brain???) .
Power to the heated bed should in any case be delivered from the terminal block on DuetWifi. For me it looks like the SSR then is connected between this terminal and the bed in some way. If so, this terminal will here be the only possible point to deliver the control signal from, this because I want the actual control from the web interface, not from any other switch or button. I also can't find any other terminal for this signal on the board used by the interface. The actual terminal will then deliver both power and signal. Is this the way it works?Jan
Controlling power to the heated bed from web interface while using SSR
I plan to have an SSR connected to the power terminal for heated bed on the board (as suggested).
It could be this one:
Can I then control power (on/off) for the heater from the web interface? If so, how to wire this? I suppose not through the actual power terminal.
I wish there was on more terminal like the PS_ON for this purpose to.Jan
RE: What type of SSR should I use when controlling the PSU with PS_ON pin
Thanks for your advice and comments.
I was thinking of using an external 5 v power supply to run the DuetWifi card and also it's PS_ON function. With my CNC mill (built with thick ball screws and an 3 hp/2200w water cooled spindle) I use an 5 v charger to power the controller, like the ones for phones and other gadgets.
Why is it preferable not to use a mechanical relay (type B), it wouldn't generate so much heat a suppose? I also plan to order the MGR-1DD80D100 from Auber to controll power for the heat bed:
Maybe I also should order the type A, listed in my question, at the same time from them.I'm really tired of using LinuxCNC and the parallel port with this type of machines. The core of LinuxCNC, HAL driver/interface, is like an old dinosaur that can't adapt to modern types of computers, controllers and interfaces.
I will try to build a 3D printer that also can mill softer materials. The design will therefor include compromises between this to functions. Just now I don't know how difficult/easy it will bee to mill with the actual type of G-code on DuetWifi firmware.Jan
What type of SSR should I use when controlling the PSU with PS_ON pin
What type SSR should I use when controlling the power (220 volt) to my PSU (24 volt 480 w). This with the 5 v PS_ON pin from DuetWifi controller board. 220 in - 24 volt out and 5 volt PS_ON signal. Sorry for my ignorance in the field. I see two types that seems similar in some ways:
alt. A seems more robust and for another environment then B. There are people who questions, mostly with safety concerns, the use of B while using high voltage like 220 v.
Any advice's on what to use.Jan