A couple of weeks ago, I got a Duet Wifi and so far, so good! It hasn't been as easy to set up as the original RAMBo for my Rostock Max V2, but I've got it working, well enough so that I could print a new effector plate that'll let me use a BLtouch.
I've followed a few guides to install my BLtouch, and it seems to function, but not "work" as intended. When I turn the printer on, the BLtouch glows red, the probe deploys and retracts. I figure this is a power-on self-test of the BLtouch itself.
I've done the wiring and added the snippets of code to my config.g and made the macros according to a couple of different walkthroughs, and combinations thereof:
However, when I start the "Deploy Probe" or "Retract Probe" macros, I get the following message:
[c]M98 P0:/macros/Deploy Probe
Error: Invalid servo index 3 in M280 command[/c]
I've tried using the PWM for Heater 3 and Heater 8, and checked my wiring a few times. My config.g is here: https://pastebin.com/nGkVPpnJ
I feel like I must be missing something very simple. Wiring Pics: https://imgur.com/gallery/eaal6
Once I'm past this hiccup, I think I can get the autoleveling and probe height stuff figured out.
Any help would be appreciated!
My macros are as follow for deploy and retract, respectively:
[c]M280 P3 S10 I1[/c]
[c]M280 P3 S90 I1[/c]
I've played with the P values in both to reflect the values in my config.g, but no dice.