bed.g config.g deployprobe.g homeall.g homex.g homey.g homez.g pause.g retractprobe.g sleep.g stop.g tpost0.g
Since I'm terrible at this uploading / posting thing that most of take for granted, I would appreciate any pointers for easier steps to provide this info as well as any editing someone can add to improve operation of "our" setup.

Best posts made by Jon
RE: wanhao duplicator 9
RE: wanhao duplicator 9
Terribly sorry for the long wait for reply, but here ya go. I'm running V1.04 with Firmware Version: 2.04 (2019-11-01b1)
WiFi Server Version: 1.22 & web Interface Version: 1.22.6
--Please note that I have the left and right Z motors NOT hooked up together like you are used to seeing stock but instead setup for auto level with macros, so please attach the right Z motor to E1 and the left Z motor to the "drive 2" with jumpers in, as shown in the wiring schematic "option A". This has been VERY reliable and consistent as is.Also,
-- everything following X_ is simply a note to myself about changes I have made that is different from the standard settings.--my bed temp sensor is mapped to the "E1" thermistor, NOT the bed sensor as mine was too short.
--My hot end and parts cooling fans are on "Fan0" & "Fan1" I cant remember which one is which though...
--above settings tab, please create new marcos by hitting "+make new", then "macro" and pick a title. Mine is "Auto Level X Gantry" (allows push button auto level) and paste this in it:
G28 ; home
G30 P0 X30 Y125 Z-99999 ; probe near the left leadscrew, in the middle of the Y axis
G30 P1 X302 Y125 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near the right leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors--again, create another one, I call it "reset BLTouch Error" and paste:
M280 P3 S160 I1 ; reset blinking BLTouch error
that will save you 10 min of frantic googling if your BLTouch starts blinking leaving you stuck, hopefully you never need it...
Have fun, you have the best hardware you could imagine!
If you desire stl mounts im happy to share what I have, let me know if you have ANY questions as I will now get a notification of any input.
Again, sorry for the delay... -
RE: wanhao duplicator 9
Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I use Cura and it requires different start and end Gcode which took me several days to figure out... here ya go, copy and paste into cura:
G28 ; home all axes
G92 E0 ; zero the extruded length
G1 Z15 F500 ; raise the extruder 15mm
G1 E3 F100 ; extrude 3mm of feed stock
G1 X25 Y20 Z.15 F300 ; move to bed to prep for purge
G1 X30 E8 F500 ; start purge of 8mm blob in 5mm to nab boogers
G1 X110 E8 F700 ; finish purge line with 8mm & final fast wipe
G1 Z0 ; end of prime & lower nozzle
G92 E0 ; zero the extruded length
M82 ; extruder absolute modeEND:
M83 ; extruder relative mode
G1 E-5 F3000 ; retract filament 5mm fast
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 Z+4 X-20 Y20 F1000 ; move Z up 4mm & move X/Y away
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X3 Y205 F800 ; move X/Y to end position
M104 S0 ; reduce extruder heat to zero
G10 P0 R-273.15 S-273.15 ; turn off extruder heat
M140 S-273.15 ; was M140 S0 turn off bed heat
M18 ; disable motors