Hi Friends,today I have started configuring my new Duet3 mini. But I have a problem when trying to home Z axis,Homeall and Bed Level.
The Homing with Sensorless X and Y axis works very well for me and i'm very happy,because i read that some other users have problems with this configurations...
The Bltouch it's original Antclabs, wires and connections on the board are ok.
I have upgrade the firmware first to version 3.2 (Final) and then to 3.3 (Beta) : there are the same problems.
The case it's this..
-M401,M402 and selftest work perfectly.
-If i move the hotend at the bed center and send (G92 X155 Y155) first and then (G30) the Bltouch works and records Z0.
-If I send Homeall,the X and Y axis go homing correctly,except the Z axis.
It goes in the bed center and start with its downward movement without however deploy the probe.
-If I send Home X firs and then Y separately and then Home Z,the hotend goes in the bed center, starts with its downward movement but the probe doesn't deploy.
This happen with all the other command that use the bltouch too... (G32 ecc) : The Hotend moves on X , Y and Z correctly but the probe doesn't deploy itself and will maybe crush on the bed.
I share the links my config files:
They are not definitive configurations files,because I'm still working on it and perhaps I'm making mistakes.
Thanks for your help.