Aaaaand it worked! Thank you! sorry for not reading the instruction properly from the beginning. xD

Best posts made by kevin.makedge
RE: Firmware & Bootloader problem?
Latest posts made by kevin.makedge
RE: Firmware & Bootloader problem?
Aaaaand it worked! Thank you! sorry for not reading the instruction properly from the beginning. xD
Firmware & Bootloader problem?
Hello to you all!
I need some expertise help.. gpt and I have met our limits.
- Duet 3 6HC (revision 1.01)
- Raspberry Pi 5 (SBC) powered by extern USB cable
- Power supply: 24V - VIN( internal 5V only)
Main problem
- "DIAG LED" glows dim without blinking.
No difference after Flashed the Duet6HC (by (Erase- then Reset) and with different version of duet firmware).
When flashing/writing the duet with Bossa I can only do it by selecting the "Erase all" option, otherwise it gets an error.
After flashing the Duet6HC with Bossa I´ve runed verify
Tried different approaches and restarted it several times.
We have another Duet6HC with a SBC of the same kind, I´ve switch both cables and raspberry pi between and everything works expect the Duet6HC
What I believe to be the problem:
- Something wrong with the boot loader
If someone knows of any solution or advice please let me know.
If you need more information just let me knowBest regards Kevin