@AndreS Care to release the firmware and board files under FOSHW?

Best posts made by madhunm
RE: PanelDue goes wireless
Duet Power Panic - Review request
First off, let me apologize for the crap PCB design; I am nowhere close to @T3P3Tony or others on this forum when it comes to PCB design / routing.
Some background: I have my printers on a UPS; however, if and when there is a power cut, depending on how many printers are running, the UPS may get overloaded. Before the UPS circuit breaker trips, I switch off the bed heating to make the power draw a little less.
I wanted to 'automate' the process and here is what I have come up with: a mish-mash between the Prusa Power Panic and a Duet capacitor bank.
The goal for this is to enable the bed to be switched off automatically; while allowing printing to continue / duet power recovery to kick in.
Please note, the Panic_In signal comes in from a non-UPS outlet.
Please review the attached schematic and board files and let me know if you see an opportunity to make this better.