I'm a super happy user of a Duet3D board with a custom delta.
Since we start developing the delta I was curious of testing the duet3d smart effector, the problem was that We were not able to reuse our balls, magnets, arms and all the other related stuff since they were not fitting to the duet3d smart effector.
Finally we decided to modify the opensource and openhardware designs to make them fit to our machines. After some waiting and testing, today I'm proud to say that we have some working prototypes and they work like a charm.
Now distance between balls holes is 60mm and they are also moved out a bit to use 10mm balls with M4 screws (Kossel stadnard), we have added lateral holes in case anyone wants to add springs from the effector to the guide carriages.
I would like to thank you all for sharing this wonderful design and make it open, I'm really believe in open hw and sw, so keep pushing!!!
I also want to comment that I did only make sensitivity working with the precompiled binary elf in the DUET3D smart effector github, I did not make it work if I compile it with atmel studio. I also invest some time to try to make it compilable with linux and makefile but I failed too, I will continue looking for total port.
Again thank you!
github with the changes:
And some pictures: