@catalin_ro Thanks for your ideas! I plan to mount the gantry against the wall, so the whole Y-table moves free vertically. Same design, but totally different use.
I do this because i want to have multiple spindles on the gantry as a kind of a cheap toolchanger, so it would become too heavy.
But there are more advantages: it saves floor space, the chips simply fall down, there could be a second gantry, or even spindles that mill from the sides.
As for the Y-nuts: i think that the forces involved in moving the table are comparable to moving the gantry, but the table has two motors and bigger nuts (more threads).
You are right about the way the wheels are used, especially on the gantry. I have to change the gantry anyway to hold more spindles. I would like to rotate the gantry extrusion, maybe make it stronger with steel.
I will have some fun with it, and post some videos when it works.