I own a Modix Big-60 3D printer, and I am trying to run a test print now, but I cannot get the printer to connect to wifi or respond via USB, and no relevant data comes up on the touchscreen panel, it just shows the generic duet screen without anywhere filled in with macros and doesn't show the temp readings either.
I've been using this guide to try to connect:
I've taken off the Duet Board from my other printer and it works just fine, so there seems to be some malfunction with this one.
I've tried all the M commands including the M997 S1 and it has had no effect.
Then I was instructed that when connected via the 24V, the VIN (blue LED), +5V (Red LED) and +3.3V (Green LED) should be lit.
Well, in my case VIN doesn't light up:
And I cannot get past this error:
(I've also tested if this is related to the cables. I tried several different micro usb cables, some of which are known to work with data, no progress from this effort.)
Please advise, what the problem is and how I can troubleshoot it.