Posts made by micle546
Duet 2 Maestro repair - Blown 3v
Was swapping out the extruder head for another, namely the Ender 3 Sprite head, and somehow blew the (i think) 3v line on the board. I've ID'd a few components on the board that need replaced, and have the new parts in my digikey cart, but am not sure what L4 is on the schematic, just labeled "L_MINI". I assume it's an inductor of some kind.
Powering via USB heats up U2, and doesn't illuminate the 3.3v LED. need to find a powersource to connect to the 3v line to test that further
Parts that seem to need replaced:
U2 - AP7361C-33E-13 - Visible burn marks
U3 - A4403 - I've heard that this can go bad with a 3v short, no visible damage
U10 - W5500 - Visible burn marks
L4 - ?? - Seems cracked, Burn marks
SDCard - Corrupted, will not connect