I need to use a filament runout sensor on a different board to the extruder motor tool board as i am using a reverse bowden setup & go through a lot of spools. Having the runout sensor on the same board when you use a tool board doesn't allow for easy filament changes as the extruder can only auto retract a small amount & thereby would have to remove the bowden tube everytime, the solution is having the sensor as close as possible to the filament spool but this means it has to connect to the mainboard. I understand the precision is lost when done this way although, i don't need filament volumetric adjustments on the fly. I just need it to detect filament runout or lockup. Although There should also be an option for both incase one fails. etc. which i have experienced.
6hc v1.01 mainboard formware 3.2 - 3.3
Toolboard v1.3
Core xy
Voron 350
Anyone who shows me how to do this is muchly appreciated