@dc42 said in DM556 driver not working with duet expansion breakout board:

I don't know about the DM556, but on some external stepper drivers the EN+/EN- are actually a disable input, not an enable input. So try with those wires disconnected, or change R0 to R1 in the M569 command.

Does the manual say what the constant red LED means?

@dc42 your are a genious! Thats it. Thank you.

For Leadshine DM556 driver do not connect Enable+ and Enable- as this disables the driver.

You can connect the other leads directly to the breakout board driver connector.

M569 P5 S1 R0 T5:5:5:0 ; Drive 9 goes Forwards
M584 Z5 ; Power Z with drivers 5

Also check for driver number if the motors are not spinning: