I had an idea and I figured I would throw it out here in case something already exists that I just didn't run across. I don't want to fight with Octopi since I can roll my own more specific solution.
Just built a D300VS+. I saw that I can embed an IP camera image in the Duet Web Control interface but it needs to be an image not a stream.
The solution I'm working on is mjpegstreamer running on a RPI. I'm going to create a script that will check the Web Control for heater 1 to go above 50C, then it will start the webcam streaming on 8080 and saving a snapshot every 5 seconds for the Web Control Interface until it goes back down below 50C.
I have a good bit of it already worked out and tested. After that I think I'm going to try to grab the Z height so I can make a servo move the camera up to track with the effector as the print progresses.
Thanks in advance, Rob.