@oliof with all due respect I have never found discord to be the best resource on anything.

Best posts made by pm7399
RE: asking again, Duet 3 6hc running Klipper?
RE: shorter title? I can't set this fricking thing up! HELP aready!
@phaedrux Thank you for your compassionate reply. Not saying that I'm really proud of my lashing out due to my long-term frustration but being able to see past that and show that compassion really says a lot about the kind of person you are, it actually helped.
shorter title? I can't set this fricking thing up! HELP aready!
I've had this board for months now and my printer remains dead because I can't figure this out. Just like the title says I don't get it. I've had this board so long it makes me sick to my stomach every time I think about starting to figure this out again. I'm not stupid. I'd still be using marlin if it weren't for so many freaking bugs. Sure just ue the configurator, easy right? NO it's not easy at all when there's no definitions and no guidance on it.
Page 3 I/O mapping No expansion boards configured. drive x driver x endstop pin xstop Ok, what is that?? and once again I'm stuck, pissed off, feeling like an idiot wishiing I never would have fallen for the hype of this really expensive board that just sits and collects dust.
I know I'm not the only one. Why can't you guys just make this easy? you haven't made enough money on these things yet to have a decent set of instructions made up?? WTF?
Latest posts made by pm7399
RE: shorter title? I can't set this fricking thing up! HELP aready!
@herve_smith Yeah, but it sure felt good in the moment. I really hope you can see the humor in me saying that, you're right and I know it. I picked up on 3D printing in general fairly well, I was upgrading firmware and modding my first printer to direct drive the first week I had it, II easily picked up on Marlin, figured out Klipper Mainsail Fluidd in hardly any time at all. My printer has been down now for going on 3 months and time after time of trying to figure out RRF and Duet continued to stymie me and I reached a boil over point. Not saying it was right or good just trying to help you see what got me there.
So now for your questions... I have and Ender 3 V2 udated ( I say updated and not upgraded) with the ender extender and the Z-drive kit. In that process the guy I was emailing with at ender extender recommended that I get an SKR2 board to upgrade my main board at the same time. He nor I could have known at the time that Marlin didn't get along with BTT SKR boards, that had specific layouts and I tried from about January of this year to make that work. Unsuccessfully, at least unsuccessfully with my configuration and how I wanted it working, specifically having the extra Z motor and driver and really wanting to have that second Z drive home independently of the first one. I mean I spent hours and hours for weeks then months trying to get that to work correctly but there was always some kind of bug that was at least one of several confirmed bugs that had not been fixed in more than a year and a half at least. I still don't think they're worked out but now that I have cut off and replaced all my connectors for this Duet board I had lost the motivation to even go back and try it again.
There is no config file, I haven't gotten that far. I got all my connectors re-done with the ones that came with the duet board but I've never been able to get through the configurator to get there.
I got my board from Amazon June 9th from 3DMakeWorld, Inc. I think that's all the questions you asked, did I miss any?
Oh one more upgrade is the bed heater, 120 Volts, 750 Watts also from Amazon with the DC to AC relay. That part seemed to work fine.
So I have an Ender 32 V2 printer with the extender kit that gives me 400x400x500 volume area for printing, I have a dual Z axis with it's own motor and driver and endstop. I have a raspberry pi 4 but I'd rather run it in standalone mode without that. I would love it if I was able to utilize all the functionality the board has to offer including stealthchop, pressure advance, you know, all that stuff. Independent z homing... I have looked at the documentation and I know where the power goes, where the bed heater goes, where the drivers hook up on the board, I used to know where the fans, thermistors, heaters and endstops hooked up although I haven't looked at it in a while and would need to refresh my memory on those last ones. I have zero ckue about reprap firmware, no idea how to write macros. I know that the configurator is supposed to set up all the initial stuff for you and I even imagine when I had the config file that I could probably look at the examples in the config file and mostly understand what was going on with them, likely confidently enough to alter ones already written, make new ones that I needed, like that second Z drive, maybe more but I can't get through that configurator. page 1 i select custom configuration, page 2 is general where you tell it your axis limits, what kind of printer, homing speeds and such, then the third page is expansion boards with a hole bunch of options I have no isea how to answer, oh yeah probably an important thing to note. I have no bltouch. A couple of the next pages I could probably just hit next but I honestly just don't know and don't know where to go from there.
So I get frustrated with it again and my printer just sits there again. did I leave anything out?
RE: shorter title? I can't set this fricking thing up! HELP aready!
@phaedrux Thank you for your compassionate reply. Not saying that I'm really proud of my lashing out due to my long-term frustration but being able to see past that and show that compassion really says a lot about the kind of person you are, it actually helped.
RE: shorter title? I can't set this fricking thing up! HELP aready!
@zemlin Thank you. I will here in after a few replies.
RE: shorter title? I can't set this fricking thing up! HELP aready!
@rushmere3d You're right. Quite frankly I'm somewhat embarrassed about my lashing out in frustration. Please accept my apology. Later in this thread, after I reply to a few I will lay out the entire picture. Thank you.
RE: shorter title? I can't set this fricking thing up! HELP aready!
@norder It's blue, or kind of blue/green.
shorter title? I can't set this fricking thing up! HELP aready!
I've had this board for months now and my printer remains dead because I can't figure this out. Just like the title says I don't get it. I've had this board so long it makes me sick to my stomach every time I think about starting to figure this out again. I'm not stupid. I'd still be using marlin if it weren't for so many freaking bugs. Sure just ue the configurator, easy right? NO it's not easy at all when there's no definitions and no guidance on it.
Page 3 I/O mapping No expansion boards configured. drive x driver x endstop pin xstop Ok, what is that?? and once again I'm stuck, pissed off, feeling like an idiot wishiing I never would have fallen for the hype of this really expensive board that just sits and collects dust.
I know I'm not the only one. Why can't you guys just make this easy? you haven't made enough money on these things yet to have a decent set of instructions made up?? WTF?
RE: asking again, Duet 3 6hc running Klipper?
@oliof with all due respect I have never found discord to be the best resource on anything.
RE: asking again, Duet 3 6hc running Klipper?
@phaedrux OMG how I wish that were true for me. I am completely lost in it, as a matter of fact I'/m very close to just sending this board back to amazon and trying something else. I really don't want to but I get frustrated with it then I put it down for a minute (a day to a few days) then when I come back to it the amount of frustration I experience is just worse. Keep in mind there's a lot more documentation for every other duet board EXCEPT the 6hc. I can make the connectors I even can understand where to put the wires on the main board but macros and pins have me puling my hair out, even with that configurator website. it doesn't let me add a second z axis but I read something about using m583 (or something) to add it later but WHERE?!?! and HOW?! I mean I'm not stupid by any means but there's just no real step by step instruction for this (that I have been able to find and believe me I have searched) and I feel llike I've been dropped off in the desert with the most expensive main board out there with no real instruction at all and been told good luck! If you know of any said instruction anual written in plain english I'd love to get ahold of it but right now I'm getting really tired of looking at this 3d printer that I can do nothing with.
asking again, Duet 3 6hc running Klipper?
Re: Klipper on Duet 3 Mainboard
Like I said I know it's old already and if I would have looked into it first I may have made a different purchase decision but i just purchased the duet 3 6hc main board and I don't know RRF yet and really would love it if, even for just now, it worked with Klipper.Any good news that I Just haven't been able to find yet?