i found the mistake. it was an incorrect homex.g and homeall.g
Thanks for the Help
i found the mistake. it was an incorrect homex.g and homeall.g
Thanks for the Help
I will paste them when i come home, But you are right it sounds like there can be the problem
Hi Everyone,
At the moment i am stuck at setting up my Hevo. THe Problem is that the Extruders moves diffrent from the expected movement.
The Setup is as follows:
right-hand-System (X is left 0mm - right 290mm, y is front 0mm - back 290mm)
Endstop on X is at maximum (also configured on maximum, test shows Endstops works as expected)
Endstop on Y is at minimum (also configured on minimum, test shows Endstops works as expected)
I configured the system with help of this article; https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/ConfiguringRepRapFirmwareCoreXYPrinter
So when I hit G1 H2 X10 the Extruder moves to +X+Y and when i hit G1 H2 Y10 the Extruder moves to +X-Y, so like it should after the guide.
When i now hit Home X, the Extruder moves to -X instead of +X, so he can't trigger the Endstop. But when i trigger the endstop by hand and then move move G1 X25, it moves like it should to the correct direction.
The behaviour of the Y-Axes is the same but invoked (moves to +Y instead o -Y, but after manual trigering the endstops it moves in correct direction)
Hase anyone any suggestion what could be the problem here?
OK good to hear that. Thanks to both of you!
i tried that first. i pushed it as much as i dared it but the gaps will not close. So i thought maybe with the nut in place it will be better but no chance. Not sure but will have it an effect on the System when this gap will stay there?
Please see the smal gap between the first,smaller Ring and the PCB. I think the both opposed flats should have contact?
Hey there,
my name is René and i have purchased a smart effector for my delta printer. During the assembly i notived that there is a small gap (nearly 0.4mm) all around the PCB and the E3D Heat. My question is: Is this ok? or shopuld i tighten the Hexnut with more power to close the gap? I dont won't to break any of the fine traces there so i am a bit concernd if i can give the Nut more torque. Are there any recomandations regarding the torque?
Best regards