Hi everyone, I have a duet3d 7i LCD screen, I want to modify the UI for our new 3d printer.so we decided to use our own custom icons. while converting the BMP icons to c array, we getting uint16_t format with "bmp2c.exe" converter. so we tried with so other software but those array images are not displaying properly.
uint16_t array icons are working fine but when we putting more icon arrays in the project, the build size is exceeding.
if uint8_t is supporting in duet3d 7i, how could I generate uint8_t image array?
NB: our images having black and white colors only.
NB: array format used -
extern const uint8_t test[] = { 60, 60,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf...............}
NB: uint16_t working fine .