I was directed here form the 3Dprinter discord and told to ask for dc42 by some people after asking for a control board suggestion(they suggested a duet) but couldn't answer if it could do some of the very specific things I need it to do. the software is not a real issue, I'm more interested in if the gen 2 board with a duex5 can do it hardware-wise.
I'd like to run 2 camera's, 9 independent steppers with 2 of them in an h-bot style coreXY, interface with the YOLO API, send serial commands to 5 other MCU's(most likely Arduino nano's), run like 15-ish relays off of it(so I need an SPI/i2c bus for a multiplexer; I don't actually expect 20 io pins).
also, is the firmware well documented and easily modifiable? I have some dev's on-hand, but that's no good with obfuscated code. I would need some custom g-codes and adaptive movement. like G163 should move the head to the nearest pre-defined position on the bed. if you know any of this, or have further questions/suggestions, I would appreciate a reply.
thanks in advance, a potential customer.