@dc42 Thank you! I found it

Best posts made by tak21
RE: Vivedino Troodon 300 RRF 3.4 config
@dc42 FYI: in the beta firmware 3.4 Beta 5 this "error" did not display.
For your suggestion: if the three "M569" commands are in line 1-3 it works without any event beeing triggered! THX!!!
RE: Vivedino Troodon 300 RRF 3.4 config
@nomukaiki Sure I can share my config + macros. My printer is running but I made some changes compared to your config. E.g. I slowed down movements (your config is really chasing the axes around
I need to figure out how I can upload everything to github as this will be my first time ever I use github to upload [...]@oliof thanks to your suggestions/effort my printer is running! Honestly if I knew that they were not using the orig. board I would have not bought the printer. And I plan to upgrade to the 3 mini as soon as I have enough time. To the "error": there was a change in one of the betas, when it started to appear. Sorry, I do not know any more when it accured but I think it was beta4. And the "error" is on all disabled drivers, not only on 9 as I falsly reported (I had a more closer look into the messages on the printer on restart).