A further update and a moment of head banging/thinking aloud...

While the stepper motors work as expected, without sending a bunch of mystical runes to the TMC2209 chips via the UART port, the current flow is causing "toasty" steppers. As I am using a PanelDue I tried to jump the UTXD1 pin from the ESP32 port (not used) to the Mini 2+, only to discover that it doesn't seem to actually allow external access via M575 P2... trying the UTXD0 port that the PanelDue would otherwise work resulted in the next problem that I can't seem to resolve - actually sending the mythic runes (ASCII representations of the HEX codes I want to send). It seems that M117 will only send character strings, not hex values.

M118 P2 S"ìU»ìU= ‚"
Error: M118: control character in string

If I could send a bunch of HEX values directly I can bypass "control character" by feeding the TMC the desired string (05 EC 10 55 BB 05 EC 10 02 55 3D 05 90 01 1A FF 05 90 01 1A 0A E6) more or less "hey, can you maybe look at setting IRUN to 800mA, thanks, I don't like my steppers melting" - other mystic runes set microstepping, StealthChop etc etc.

Anyone figured out how to send fancy fancy via M117? Failing this I shall have to figure out another way to send the settings... or resort to old school external stepper drivers with trimpots and jumpers to set what I need.