Creating a derivative of the Smart Effector to fit a DeltaMaker end effector. I've managed to get the board manufactured by JLCPCB. I am an employee at DeltaMaker with no formal EE education, just a self-taught guy learning what I can.
I've also done my best to select components on the wheatstone bridge (is this what I'm looking at with regards to B and T tags in the schematic?) according to the documents.
Attached is the list of components that I've utilized. Some of it is still missing as we didn't feel the lights were needed while we tested the circuitry to make sure we could replicate the work.
I've flashed both v1 and v2 firmware to the ATTiny45 with an AVR programmer. I took the .elf files from both repositories, and ran the command "avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex [elf file] [hex file]" in order to create the HEX file which I then flashed with avrdude. The activity LED lights up appropriately during flashing and the programmer is able to verify the flash file.
The first version of the firmware, when connected to power - blinks the activity LED faintly.
The second version of the firmware, when connected to power - keeps the activity LED on constantly, but again - faintly. To be clear, the "activity LED" I'm referring to here is D3 on the board.
When assembling this board, what are some "pre-flight checks" that I can check with either an oscope or multimeter to ensure I'm within the proper ranges?
Would Duet3D be willing to work with DeltaMaker in creating a batch of these? I've been fighting to get rid of our previous auto bed leveling system for ages, and this would be a huge benefit for our customers. - Are the current zipped modifications to the Smart Effector. (as a note, I know the 2x8 header is "on the wrong side"; it does actually match our pinout on the top connector though - KiCAD is new to me.)
If willing, we'd love to work with you in creating this variant so that our customers could benefit from an improved leveling system and hot end ecosystem.