@dc42 Thnaks. Can you tell me actual state of development of pulse type of filament monitor ? Im still having very strange issues with pulse filaments sensors. Even when changed to diferent brands off encoders, error is always the same

Controversial posts made by Tinchus
RE: pulse filament sensor use
RE: delete
Nice, but I have to tell you a couple of things: that machine is not running at 500 mm/2. You set it to run at 500 mm/2. But the geometry you are printing doesnt allow the machine to reach that speed, so basocally you are not printing a t that speed. Im very sure of that because my machine if I make a video print the same as your video, and Im using 200 mm/s. so basically we have the same (and my accel is 8500)
If you really print at 500 mm/2, looking at your extruder I can tell you you wont be able to print, you just dont have the extrusion capability.And regarding klipper... well, there are some nice reports, but I have used it and when facing complex or high quality mesh, is trash.
I prefer reprap all the time. It is more powerfull and who says this is somebody who have used marlin, klipper and reprap. Im still using the duet reprap firmware and still discovering how much options I can get from it,