Ok a newbie here needing help seting up a Hybrid stepper motor driving a rotary chuck 1/3 belt drive
1.8 step angle
2.3 rated voltage
2.8 current/phase
0.83 resistantce/phase
2.2 inductant/phase
140 holding torque
220 rotor inertia
My micro stepper driver will let me set pulse per rev at 200 400 800 etc. and from .5 up to 3.5 a
I dont have and cant find a tuning chart or much else for this set up. What i need to know is what should i set the following
For driver- pulse per rev and amp
For controllor- pulse per rev, pulse per second, start up pulse per ms,slow down pulse per ms and 0 speed per ms.
Any help would be greatly apreciated