I was able to resolve this issue by redownloading the duet driver, erasing and re-flashing the firmware using BOSSA.exe. I believe the driver might not have properly been installed last time. Now I'm able to send commands through YAT!

Posts made by tronman
RE: Unable to connect duet to wifi
RE: Unable to connect duet to wifi
@T3P3Tony I downloaded and updated the suggested driver from GitHub, connected the duet to my Windows 11 laptop, and created a new terminal in YAT with the selected COM port.
I pretty much followed the steps in this video, except I had to manually install the driver through device manager:
Not sure if I mentioned this in my last post, but The Diag LED turns and stays on as soon as I connect the duet to my laptop. Is this an indication of incorrect firmware installation?
Unable to connect duet to wifi
I'm having trouble with being able to control/send commands to my duet wifi 2. Sidenote: I've been using the RepRap Firmware config tool to set up the files in the sys directory on the SD card. The other directories I have I got from downloading the 3.4.6 file from https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/releases.
I've used both YAT and Putty to connect to the duet. Despite using the suggested driver, Yat gives me the following error, even before I send any commands:
<SO><DLE>Q[Warning: "80h 6Ah" is a byte sequence outside the Unicode basic multilingual plane (plane 0)! Only Unicode plane 0 is supported by .NET Framework and thus YAT (yet).]
Due to an inability to locate the IP of the duet, I tried setting a static IP for the duet in RRF config, to access the duet via Putty using SSH, unsuccessfully. When I tried using a serial connection instead, a terminal opened up, but I was unable to type anything, and the terminal had a string of unrecognizable characters.
I noticed the wifi LED hasn't turned on during any of these attempts. After pinging the static IP via powershell, I received a 'request denied' error. I am aware that the duet only uses 2.4 GHz, so I ensured my network has separate bands for 2.4 and 5 GHz.
I've also noticed the RRF config setup does not provide me with all the directories I've seen in youtube tutorials and Duet setup guides, so I'm wondering if that might be a reason.
This is the list of directories I believe I'm supposed to have. The bolded ones are the ones I'm missing
├── filaments
├── firmware
│ ├── Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin
│ └── Duet2_SDiap32_WiFiEth.bin
├── gcodes
├── macros
├── sys
│ ├── bed.g
│ ├── config.g
│ ├── config.json
│ ├── homeall.g
│ ├── homex.g
│ ├── homey.g
│ ├── homez.g
│ ├── pause.g
│ ├── resume.g
│ ├── sleep.g
│ ├── stop.g
│ ├── tfree0.g
│ ├── tpost0.g
│ └── tpre0.g
└── www
├── DuetAPI.xml
├── css
│ ├── Accelerometer.5c60999b.css.gz
│ ├── GCodeViewer.9597b317.css.gz
│ ├── HeightMap.4d390d72.css.gz
│ ├── ObjectModelBrowser.c5e13b42.css.gz
│ ├── OnScreenKeyboard.7f43fe4b.css.gz
│ └── app.ce075a4e.css.gz
├── favicon.ico.gz
├── fonts
│ ├── materialdesignicons-webfont.147e3378.woff
│ ├── materialdesignicons-webfont.147e3378.woff.gz
│ ├── materialdesignicons-webfont.174c02fc.ttf.gz
│ ├── materialdesignicons-webfont.64d4cf64.eot.gz
│ ├── materialdesignicons-webfont.7a44ea19.woff2
│ └── materialdesignicons-webfont.7a44ea19.woff2.gz
├── img
│ └── icons
│ ├── android-chrome-192x192.png.gz
│ ├── android-chrome-512x512.png.gz
│ ├── android-chrome-maskable-192x192.png.gz
│ ├── android-chrome-maskable-512x512.png.gz
│ ├── apple-touch-icon-120x120.png.gz
│ ├── apple-touch-icon-152x152.png.gz
│ ├── apple-touch-icon-180x180.png.gz
│ ├── apple-touch-icon-60x60.png.gz
│ ├── apple-touch-icon-76x76.png.gz
│ ├── apple-touch-icon.png.gz
│ ├── favicon-16x16.png.gz
│ ├── favicon-32x32.png.gz
│ ├── msapplication-icon-144x144.png.gz
│ ├── mstile-150x150.png.gz
│ └── safari-pinned-tab.svg.gz
├── index.html.gz
├── js
│ ├── Accelerometer.4a8a402b.js.gz
│ ├── Accelerometer.4a8a402b.js.map.gz
│ ├── GCodeViewer.95d3cd80.js.gz
│ ├── GCodeViewer.95d3cd80.js.map.gz
│ ├── HeightMap.a082b8e6.js.gz
│ ├── HeightMap.a082b8e6.js.map.gz
│ ├── ObjectModelBrowser.0b9b2798.js.gz
│ ├── ObjectModelBrowser.0b9b2798.js.map.gz
│ ├── OnScreenKeyboard.a880bca8.js.gz
│ ├── OnScreenKeyboard.a880bca8.js.map.gz
│ ├── app.24acd1b2.js.gz
│ └── app.24acd1b2.js.map.gz
├── manifest.json.gz
├── precache-manifest.a4ab8f573fcc203b798fa7d11eee39d5.js.gz
└── service-worker.js.gzThis is my first time working with the duet, any suggestion on what I might do to resolve this issue would be great!