@infiniteloop I have not tried this material of course, but I have indeed trying to shorten queu lenght in the past several times wheing trying make a macro introduce code faster in the queu for example. I can perfectly agree and confirm that printing becomes "bumpy". So, in the case of this talking about this material, if the movement suffers this kind of artifacts, for sure we can predict flow will be completly out of control because we can maka a paralel situation when you have moisture on you filement: can can get away sometiomes with lot of moisture, but at the moment the nozzle stops just for hal a second, you will see material being extruded A LOT.
From an engineering point fo view, when you face a develpment where at the very beginning the posible solution already faces a lot of problems... that is my sign to "ok, this solution will not end up well, lets look for another aprouch" and this is the case.
In this case, if you already recognize that the material has not a predictable flow, trying to control that chaos is something that will not get to a good solution. I would go towards try to get a better material, OR just not try to get a eprfect flow control.
Remeber this: this has already happened in the past. Maaaaany years ago, in the time where filament diameters where not as precise as today, opeple tried to use optical filament diameter sensor in order to measure diameter on the fly and adjust the flo on the fly. And that aprouch NEVER worked because you had to provide the firmware with the exact offset between the sensor position and the tip of the nozzle, and just an error of 0.2mm gives you more error on the flow calculation than a +-0.1 in fialment diameter so...
I still have one of those sensors by the way lol