Really hum didnt even know that.

Latest posts made by User42
RE: Dual Z setup help
i did and its working wonderfully thank you so much for the help and understanding. right now im printing extra parts just so i dont have to go through this entire process again if a print decides to break my bltouch mount and force me to use a fan and bltouch mount that removes the x axis switch.
RE: Dual Z setup help
ok this is what i got and filled in the areas. On the left side lead screw i have a measurement of 154.3mm from lead screw to nozzle. And on the right side i have a measurement of 89mm from lead screw to nozzle. and since i have the nozzle lined up on both lead screws i took those measurements and added on the right and subtracted on the left. If i did this wrong let me know.
M671 X-84.3:419 Y0192:192 S0.5 ; leadscrews at left (connected to Z) and right (connected to E1) of X axis
G28 ; home
G30 P0 X70 Y192 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, half way along Y axis
G30 P1 X330 Y192 Z-99999 S2 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 2 motors -
RE: Dual Z setup help
ok just so i get this right and not piss my self off. i measure with calipers from the lead screw to the probe? Or the nozzle? i havent had enough coffee or calm sanity from having to also teach my 2nd grader since schools are not "open" in our area yet.
RE: Dual Z setup help
ok so far i have both z's working in tandem on z1 and e0. I can do a true level and a mesh level. What else could i do to ensure the bed is as level as possible via the dual z setup on the board? i swear i saw an walkthrough last night that talked about probing at the lead screws and syncing them up some how.
RE: Dual Z setup help
Just after i got your question veti i tried the update again and got this error its this one every time too. M997 S0
Error: M997: In-application programming binary "iap4e.bin" not found -
RE: Dual Z setup help
@Veti all of the motors are the exact same model. They are all tronxy SL42STH40-1684A-23 motors. 1.8* motors with belts or .8 pitch lead screws or a 7.3 hobb on the extruder motor. I think that most of my troubles are either the download that im getting from the configurator for the firmware update is not completely downloaded or the file coming from the server is not complete which is causing my issues with 3 not working 100% heck i cant even update my firmware to the latest 2.05 im stuck on 2.03 for some odd reason.
RE: Dual Z setup help
I think its me but i cant seem to get 3 to work with my printer. It doesnt seem to like the e3d hotend or the bltouch or the bed. Ive being working on trying to get 3 to work for about 42 hours and cant seem to get off first base. so im gonna stick with what i know. The only thing is the dang z motors cant seem to stay in sync too well.
RE: Dual Z setup help
Well so far im getting way to frustrated with 3. Im gonna stick with 2 for now.