Hi First Post here.
I did something stupid and Broker my Duet 2 wifi.
Im actualy not sure if is an original or a chinese knockoff (the Board has spenden quit some time on my shelf).
I was wiring the endstops when I accidentaly short circuited the 3.3V and GND line of the z endstop.
A Little Puff with some magic smoke later and my Board didn‘t work anymore when powered with 24V.
When powered with 5V via usb it boots and works fine for about 30sec. After That it turns off. With only the usb LED barely glowing.
I measured the 5V line while powering the Board via usb and its 3.6V at first but falls to 1,3v at the same moment the Board stops working.
The only damage to the Board I could See is the chip I marked blue in the picture.
Does anyone know what That Chip Dose?
Or if this damage can be repaired?
I‘d be fine with replacing the onboard 5V source with an external one, but there seems to be something on the Board which causes the externaly suplied voltage to drop.