@kelchm, heated enclosure is more complicated and requires all printer components to handle such temperature.

@vsch, when I was mainly printing ABS, I was thinking to heatup the cooling air too!

I think it is possible to simplify your setup: in order to get a constant temperature, independently of fan speed, I would build a heater element with a high thermal inertia, and make a long exchanger, so air will output at a constant temperature, whatever speed is. For example, a few turns of copper tube cast in a cement bloc, with a good heater cartridge.

Another idea I had, at the time, was to make the air circulate under the bed, as it is also heated up at 110°C. I'm about to receive my silicone bed, so I will see if I can make such setup.

BTW, point 2) is not that easy: if you pause printing, you will have to manage the filament, and may need to purge before restart printing.