@jay_s_uk I quickly looked into it and this might be the way! I reached the stallguard sensitivity, which are present in "my" Caribou's config.g, but it's true there might be adjustments to apply.
I will continue from here, thanks a lot for looking at this! I hope I can find the issue, and update here
Best posts made by yetanotherusername
RE: Printer go brrr when I modify steps/mm for Y
RE: Printer go brrr when I modify steps/mm for Y
@yetanotherusername Well, solved it!
I highly suggest people in the future looking at this issue to read carefully the Sensor stall detection documentation.
The fix was about adding more juice to Y.
In homey.g (and homez.g too):
G1 H1 Y-225 F3600 ; move quickly to y axis endstop and stop there (first pass)
in 00-Functions/CurrentSenseHoming:
M913 X50 Y50 Z60 ; set the x, y, and z drivers current percentage for non-print moves, per config.g
I gave a +10 to Y, because the original was Y40.