Hello guys again,

i just came back after some further testing of this leveling feature. I thought maybe BLtouch was giving wrong signals. I have replaced probe with E3D smart IR probe. I was able to mount it much closer to nozzle and probe whole bed a little better (offsets 6.2 mm x 17 mm). Also I have anti-backlash nut on Z axis.

I was still using the function to probe every single points at least 2 times and with accuracy of 0.01 mm. Smart IR probes much more reliably and gives better repeatability. Also I have been using glass fiber bed (since glass one had strong bowl effect). Bed mesh looks very close to how the actual bed looks like. Attaching bed mesh screenshot.


Bed mesh appears to be working much better than it was before, however. Z probe calibrated at Z=0 (touching bed). Tried print object over whole bed and nozzle is way too high everywhere. Lines are not being connected, but it looks like bed mesh is working completely fine and compensating everywhere. Lines were everywhere looking the same width. Just why nozzle was still too high? What I have noticed, that second layer goes perfect. But anyway first layer does not adhere with bed good enough to hold through the print and I still get not nice surface finish.