G32 Report
Can i run a second G32 after the first one does its adjustments to get a report without adjustments. It always says it is at 00.00 but when i run g32 again there is always a little error.
have you checked the repeatability of your probe?
https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/6962/m48-measure-z-probe-repeatability-and-print-to-serial-output -
@ozzzzzzy said in G32 Report:
Can i run a second G32 after the first one does its adjustments to get a report without adjustments. It always says it is at 00.00 but when i run g32 again there is always a little error.
Copy your bed.g file to another macro file; then change the S parameter on the final G30 command to S-1 to get a report only when you run that macro.
@dc42 Cool that is what I wanted to do. Thank You
Can you explain again the purpose of your task? I don't really understand what you are trying to achieve.Thanks a lot.
@johncoffee If I run a G32 more than once it gets better. My first run it usually is around 0.0355 off and then says its corrected to 00.00. If I run it again it says it was 0.0075 and corrected to 00.00 and so on. But sometimes it gets worse. Its probably the error in my lead screw distances. I just want to check after the adjustment when its around .007 or better I am good. I am using 2 lead screws and a chimera.
@ozzzzzzy Got it.
Thanks for your explanation