Using two extruders on a long Bowden tube one assisting the other…
The issue i was having is I'm using cable chain with a fairly tight bend radius so we needed assistance across the length due to slippage and the issue with using the larger diameter tube is fitment within our chain although we may heed the advice and give it a try if the new solution fails to work please bare in mind the main reason for having an extruder closer to the hot end is for flexible filament while using the kraken so no room for direct extruder above the hotends unfortunately.
dirt and debris should not be an issue in the tube due to a two stage filament wipe
i will update when I'm with the printer thanks guys for the feedback/advice all duly noted
Post a picture of the printer some time if you can. I might have a suggestion but I'd need to visualise the layout.
Post a picture of the printer some time if you can. I might have a suggestion but I'd need to visualise the layout.
Yah a picture certainly would help.
Right guys I'm just getting the motor to rotate but i get buzzing sound and when i put a bit of force against it rotating it skips back and forth in direction until it recovers and continues in correct direction tried turning up the amps
Small update when i use the smaller length wired motor on the same drive output it behaves as normal
could this issue be the wire ? because i have small gauge wire to thicker then thiner stepper wire again ?
The behaviour is consistent with an intermittent connection (beware that can also blow a stepper driver).
I would replace the connection to the motor that is misbehaving with a single run of wire.
Ok tony i will do a continuity test tonight for all wires
Also notice that when they are both connected the one with the trouble just buzzes and the other one is unaffected
If someone could send a picture of the duet with the drives numbered from above say what the stock z is numerically
Done the continuity test and all 4 wires test fine and no weird resistance between coils so I'm kinda stumped when i get home i will upload picture of the gantry
Perhaps one pair of wires flipped ? You said the motor moves at times…so odd. If one phase is wired backwards you can get that just buzzing sound with no movement. Actually it's more like a grinding noise most of the time.
A picture or sketch of your configuration would be extremely helpful, as posted above. Show interesting but can't visualize the reason for needing to layout components in the manner described. So yes, please post picture whenever possible and hopefully thereafter we'll be able to help out further.
Hoping everyone is having a nice day!
Jonathan -
How do you upload pictures on here not used to this forum format ?
How do you upload pictures on here not used to this forum format ?
Try putting it on google drive or dropbox or some such, then post a link.
excuse the untidy wires etc still plenty of messing about before tidy up
Let me help out a bit with the images.
Not working for me. Can't access any images.
Yeay!!! That works.
Huh weird, I guess google must cookie the browser or something. I linked in the images and can see them, appears nobody else can.
strange might be so you need to be logged in to a google account
I think I like the creepy looking room more then the idea of a bowden tube inside the drag chains.