Thoughts on this sliding hot end mount please.
For anyone that's interested, I now have a mechanically functioning but otherwise untested mount. The tool free swapping works a treat. With the part on it's seat and held in place with the springs, I can't detect any Z wobble by hand (whether it prints OK is another thing of course).
To save my typing, I've made a short 2 1/2 minute video that shows how it all goes together (and comes apart). You can view it here
The untested part is the sliding, nozzle probing for Z homing feature. With the part off it's seat, there might be 0.1 or 0.2mm of movement but it's in Y and that shouldn't affect Z homing (I hope). I gave up on the idea of just having two contacts but found a positioning switch that might work. It's a Metrol switch (Japanese) but I bought it from Misumi EU. It has 2mm stroke but the switch point is claimed to be at 0.3mm with repeatability of 0.005mm. I don't really care about how much movement there is, as long as the switch point is repeatable.
If the Metrol switch doesn't work out, I have an adaptor that will take DCs mini height sensor (fitted above the hot end). If that doesn't work out either, I'll modify the mount by doing away with the spring retainers and replacing them with a cam action lock to hold it all firmly together then just use the IR sensor as "normal". I have already fitted a second mini height sensor in a more conventional position under the nozzle on grooved mounts so that it can be slid up out of the way initially. It's a fair way from the nozzle but the best I can do due to the bulk of the Diamond hot end. That will allow me to home the printer and print the parts I need to do any further modifications.
Whatever happens, I'll be able to swap hot ends fairly easily and, with the redesigned carriages, my Y travel will have increased from320mm to 370mm and X travel from 348mm to 390mm, and I'll have saved some weight too.
Ian -
I like it. Great work!
That is a nice design Ian. I am really interested to see what repeatability you get from the switch/movement. Also if there is any perceivable movement in the head introduced by the sliding mechanism (although I doubt there will be as it looks constrained only to Z.
That is a nice design Ian. I am really interested to see what repeatability you get from the switch/movement. Also if there is any perceivable movement in the head introduced by the sliding mechanism (although I doubt there will be as it looks constrained only to Z.
Hi Tony and thanks. I'm fairly confident about the switch (it cost enough!) but whether the entire mechanism will be repeatable enough is another matter - just have to install it and see. With the mount on it's seat and held there by the springs, I can't detect any "wobble" by hand. With it lifted off it's seat there is a little bit of play - I'd guess one or two tenths of a mm front to back (in Y). So if it pans out, the bit of front to back "play" will only be present while homing and hopefully, that won't have a significant impact on the Z height. During normal printing, the mount will be back on it's tapered seat so there should be no Z wobble to affect print quality. - That's the theory anyway. As I've said, if it doesn't work out I'll do away with the springs altogether, clamp the mount in place and home "normally". I'll have got tool free and quick changeability out of the re-design if nothing else.
It took me about 6 or 7 attempts to get the clearances right. I had it just about perfect but then changed to that gold filament and it all became sloppy. I ended up using zero clearance. That is to say, in OpenScad I simply subtracted the male part from the female part to form the female housing, which should have made an interference fit. ln practice, with a smear of silicone grease, the parts fit perfectly - providing I use Gold for the male part and Black for the female part. If I use Black for both parts, I have to have 0.1 to 0.2mm clearance at the sides to get the correct fit. That of course leads to another concern as to how long the thing will last before wear becomes an issue. Hopefully, as it it'll only slide a mm or 2 and then only while homing, it should last for quite a while before I have print replacements. More "suck it and see".
Ian -
Hi Ian - interesting how different filament prints. how long is the switch travel? you should be able to limit the overall movement to <1mm to trigger the switch reliably.
Hi Tony,
Yes agreed about the filaments. I doubt it is anything to do with the colour - more likely just a different batch but who knows - there could be something about different dyes? The difference is tiny but then the difference between an interference fit and sliding nicely is also tiny - probably in the order of 0.1mm or less. Printing "normal" parts one wouldn't notice. I think with something like this, the way to do it is to start with no clearance then lap one of the parts with very fine abrasive or a needle file.
The switch stroke (travel) is 2mm but the switching point is at 0.3mm. I take this to mean that the switch action takes place at 0.3mm and thereafter, a further 1.7mm of travel is permissible/possible, but I haven't tested it. In theory, I could preload the switch by say 0.2mm so that it only requires 0.1mm of travel to change state but that might be pushing my luck a bit too far - have to test and see. It could also be that the hot end mount sticks to it's seat in a way that as force is applied, it reaches a point where it suddenly "jumps" which might affect repeatability. In which case, setting the switch a bit higher so that there is 1mm or so of travel might make the repeatability better. - More things to test.
It does need quite a high force to move it. The Diamond assemble alone weights 250gms, then there are the springs holding it on to it's seat. I tested it on a piece of 3mm thick glass and it was fine, so as I use 6mm glass, I'm comfortable with that.
Unfortunately, the switch is normally open so it won't fail safe. However, I have a second micro switch mounted on the frame which will trigger an emergency stop if the bed goes 2mm or so higher than the homing point.
Ian -
I'm interested to see how that metrol switch works out for you Ian. I took your dove tail idea and incorporated it into my hotend mount. I downloaded the CAD file for the switch and added it to my file. I like your idea for the E3D Cyclops mount. Small compact to give me maximum XY travel.
@Simspeed. I'm in the process of printing the other parts I need for the Y carriages plus some spares now that I know it all fits together. Once that's done I'll convert the machine to the all new XY carriage assembly. Then I'll be able to test the mechanism and report back.
A couple of things. I made the Diamond mount (the male part) so that when it's seated, it sticks up about 1 mm above the female part on the carriage. That's to ensure that the springs are pressing down on it fully to keep it on it's seat. The switch I bought doesn't have the threaded body so I devised a clamping arrangement instead.
Also, when I tried to buy a non LED version of the switch from Misumi EU, it came back as discontinued so I had to buy the LED version. It's no big deal and the LED is a good visual indicator that it has triggered but wiring it to the Duet is not how one would expect to do it. Basically, although it's a digital switch because of the series LED, it has to be treated as an analogue switch with a pull up resistor. I'll maybe write a mini guide and either post it here on on my blog but let's see if it works first.
Update for anyone that's interested. I've got his all up and running. It's working well so far but of course it's far too early to be able to say what reliability and / or repeatability will be like. Aside from the new mount arrangement, I've completely redesigned the X and Y carriages giving me an extra 50mm in X, 30mm in Y and saving 560gms in weight. Details are on my blog here
Hi Ian thanks for the write up, good to see the machine evolving!
Hi Ian thanks for the write up, good to see the machine evolving!
Thanks Tony. Yes it's good to be up and running again. I had to take apart far more of the machine than I had originally intended. I even had to remove the 3 Z rods and shorten them by 2mm! I was beginning to despair that I'd ever get it put back together.
I plan to do a little mini guide for using the Metrol switch with Duet, because it is a little unusual in that although it is a digital switch, it has to be treated like an analogue switch because of the built in LED.
I think this was brought up in another thread but if you come up with any Duet stickers, I'd be happy to put one somewhere prominent so that it shows in the pics and videos.
Good to see you got it Sorted Ian I still haven't Quite got mine back up and running yet
Hi Ian, stickers are ordered, we will definitely send you some!
Just thought I'd report back on this. My concerns about wear of the plastic parts have been confirmed. There is now wear of the dovetail which means that the mount tends to twist rather than slide up and down. The idea might work in metal but I still think there might be problems due to the fact that the nozzle tip is offset from the sliding part. This results in a twisting force being applied, rather than a straight up and down force. Also, I was never happy with the mass being cantilevered over the side of a single rail. I saved a lot of weight and gained a fair bit in terms of print area but it's too flexible for my liking. So it'll be back to having the hot end suspended centrally between two rails but I have a plan to still allow it to slide in Z using steel dowel pins and bronze bushes. We'll see how that works out….......
How much Z movement is the slider assembly experiencing Ian? Also, how is the Metrol switch working out?
How much Z movement is the slider assembly experiencing Ian? Also, how is the Metrol switch working out?
Z is fine. I have it set to 0.9mm trigger height and that has changed too much. The problem is movement in X as well as Z when it probes the bed. It's OK when the mount is on it;s seat and held by the springs, just when it gets lifted off it's seat it twists more than it moves upwards (about 2 or 3 mm I'd say). So normal printing is OK at the moment but I fear the problem will get worse and start to affect homing. With the Diamond hot end, the distance (in the X direction) from the nozzle tip to the sliding mount is around 40mm. I guess if you had a smaller hot end such that the the nozzle is closer to the sliding part it would work better.
The Metrol switch itself is fine. These things are designed for high speed packaging machines and so forth and often used in the pharmaceutical industry where they go through millions of cycles on machines that put pills in strips and the filling of vials etc. This one has a claimed repeatability of 0.005 mm and I've no reason to doubt that claim. There is a "precision" version available with a claimed repeatability of 0.0005mm (but at 3 times the cost). I've no concerns on that score. In fact, I'll be using this switch again on my new mount but in this case, the hot end will be slung between two rails. The X carriage will span the rails and have bronze bushes either side, equidistant from the centre line. The hot end mount will have steel dowels which will slide in the bronze bushes so the force of the nozzle touching the bed will be in the centre of the mounting arrangement meaning that it can only slide upwards. The steel dowels sliding in oil filled bronze bushes should ensure that I won't have any problems with wear (and hopefully sticking), which is the main issue with using plastic parts ( although maybe Delrin would work if I could print with it
Edit…... And this new arrangement should still allow tool free and reasonably quick changing of hot ends, which was the other objective of the exercise.