Ender 3 Duet Wifi not working
I haven't turn my ender 3 pro on for about a week and it homed the axis fine I moved it to another table and tryed to turn it on and this is what happen to have a Duet 2 Wifi. It's like the printer doesn't know when it hits the end stop and the x axis just shakes and doesn't move everything work fine last time it was on. Here a video https://drive.google.com/file/d/13KvlJ7S5f4xp_WLw61MHGZ7yY1HWIakM/view?usp=drivesdk
Check if the endstops work properly before homing?
I've checked the wiring I've even tried replacing them when I goto the settings and goto the end-stop in the web control when the end stop is not clicked it says no like it should and when I click them they both switch to YES so they are sending the signal but for some reason, it's not stopping the stepper motors and they just keep trying to go.
post your config and homing files for verification please.