Duet 0.6 which firmware release
Sorry to bother with an old board, but I am looking for the latest firmware that will run on my Huxley Duo reprap.co.uk printer.The current system info is:
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet
Firmware Electronics: Duet 0.6
Firmware Version: 1.19.2 (2017-09-01)
Web Interface Version: 1.19Could anyone please point me to the best release and if possible instructions for upgrading?
Bob -
I think this is the most recent release for older duet boards. 1.24 released alongside 2.03
And these instructions should still apply: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Installing_and_Updating_Firmware
@Phaedrux 1.26.1 was released alongside 2.05.1, so this is the latest https://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/releases/tag/2.05.1
@droftarts I swear I looked in there and didn't see anything and then went searching for the last mentions of 0.6
Thanks for your help. Again, sorry to be such a noooob but looking at github https://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/releases/tag/2.05.1
I see a ton of files on the assets list, which ones do I need exactly to update my duet 0.6 ?
Maybe only:
- Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin or maybe RepRapFirmware.bin or both?
- DuetWebControl-1.22.6.zip
Could you guys please advise?
And then, as to updating. I tried to understand the webpage https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Installing_and_Updating_Firmware but I am afraid it may be beyond my abilities.
First, do the instructions even apply to my Duet 0.6 ?
Then, can I simply upload the the Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin via the web control v 1.19 that I have and it will do the upgrade?
Then, I can unzip the DuetWebControl-1.22.6.zip to my SD card and reboot and it will also be updated?Is that all? If not, please oh please advise...
Do I have to change anything in my various system files, eg. config.g etc. ?
Again, thank you both for your help and please excuse my noobie questions.Cheers,
Bob -
@gratefulfrog said in Duet 0.6 which firmware release:
Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin or maybe RepRapFirmware.bin or both?
DuetWebControl-1.22.6.zipYou need RepRapFirmware.bin and DuetWebControl-1.22.6.zip.
Thanks ! You may not remember, but you've been answering my electronics questions for nearly 10 years nowThank you so so SO much!
Just the last questions for today: Can I just click on upload system file, choose RepRapFirmware.bin, on web control v 1.19 and the upgrade will happen by magic? (Then I will put the new web control files on the sd card manually).
Are then any changes needed in the system files (*.g) ?
Stay well!
Bob -
@gratefulfrog I think you’ll have to send M997 S0 to make it update. You may also need the correct iap file in the sys folder, which is iap4e.bin for Duet 0.6. Find it in any of the other major releases, eg 2.03.
@droftarts said in Duet 0.6 which firmware release:
You may also need the correct iap file in the sys folder, which is iap4e.bin for Duet 0.6
For Duet 0.6 and 0.8.5 it's just iap.bin, but you probably have that in /sys already.
So I updated to 1.26.1 by using the web interface to upload RepRapFirmware.bin then updated the firmware via the web interface.I then copied the DuetWebControl-1.22.6 directory hierarchy to the SD card and restarted.
I see that the URL for the Duet now has a .lan name.
It seems to be ok, but I could not home any axes and got the message
G28 X Error: G0/G1: insufficient axes homed As per FAQ, I put the M564 H0 in config.g to allow movement before homing.
This allowed me to home the Y axis (with end stop) but not the X axis (uses IR sensor). The X homing moves the head a little to the left then stops. Then it sets X position to -15 and no longer allows me to move the head left, even though it could be anywhere on the x-axis.
So I am stuck. Perhaps I need to further modify the config.g and/or homex.g files (attached) ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am completely blocked, sigh.
Thanks again,
Bob -
Please post your homex.g and config.g files.
I did post them already.In the meantime, I have made quite some progress. There are many changes in what is needed in config.g and homex.g files !!!
Now I can effectively, home all axis, but it seems that the firmware has a new value for number of steps per mm in X,Y,Z?
I repost my current files, but I need a method for callibrating the x,y,z movements, if you have one?
I can't understand why the axes don't match their real dimensions any more..
Steps/mm: X: 80.000, Y: 80.000, Z: 4000.000, E: 641.000:641.000:641.000:641.000:641.000:641.000
but when I send the head to X=140
I measure: X= 128mmAny help woud be greatly appreciated...
Your config.g file doesn't define the X, Y or Z steps/mm. The defaults used to be the correct values for the Ormerod, which I presume are also correct for the Huxley. But no other machine used those values, so the defaults were changed. AFAIR the old defaults were 87.something for X and Y, and 4000 for Z.
I'll look at the file history and see what the old defaults were.
I found it: X and Y were 87.4890, Z was 4000.0, E was 420.
@dc42 yeah at a quick glance you assume a 2mm pitch but big parts are way off. From memory I think they used MXL belts?
@DocTrucker yes, we used MXL. And 18 tooth pulleys, I think
Hi guys!
Thanks to all for your help! It was quite a challenge but in the end I got values that work:
M92 X87.9328 Y87.9328 Z3980.This will bring the extruder to exactly Y=140 and Z=10 (the biggest I could measure precisely).
So I'm happy again! Now, I will try to implement mesh bed measurement!
Again, accept my deepest thanks to you all and to this great community!
Bob -
@gratefulfrog just incase your not aware the mesh bed correction doesn't use bed.g anymore. You set up the grid with M557. Start the process with G29.
@DocTrucker Thanks for that tip!
But, first I would like to make a correct set of config files.
Would anyone have a template for the Huxley Duo? I've tried to use the config builder tool but starting from scratch is quite difficult since I don't know what I'm doing.
I made an attempt using an omerod 1 template, but I have no way of knowing if the results are okay or not.
Alternatively, I could try to adapt my existing files, but again, I am really at a loss. If anyone is interested in helping with the adaptation route, my current sys files are uploaded here:
pause.gI'm really almost there, but it is quite challenging!
Again, thank you all for your great support!
Bob (confined in SW France...)