Z-vobble or PA defects?
Z axis issues are tricky as you're at the mercy of the quality of the lead screws, nuts, and motors. It's hard to tell from the photos, but can you determine if there is a repetitive frequency to the ridges? If so, how far is the spacing?
How is your Z axis setup? Is it aligned? Is it binding anywhere? Check some of the HEVO discussion places for other users insights.
@Phaedrux the lead screws are from a decent place, dold-mechatronik.de same with bearings and the rods. The steppers is a high torque e3d .9. As far as I can tell my z is aligned. The spacing is hard to measure but it is consistent although more visible at some spots. Look
I am not even going to ask on the hevo forum cause it’s just full of toxic bullshit. I asked about my bed ones. All just said it’s the bed can’t be anything else even though I at one point had a perfect straight bed. Kinda sad 13000 people have not figured out that the design makes it so the rods can bend like bananas.
What I don’t understand is how PA can make it worse. -
@Alucardi said in Z-vobble or PA defects?:
What I don’t understand is how PA can make it worse.
I suspect that it's more visible because the actual thickness of the extrusion will vary when using PA if it's not tuned perfectly. But if the seam was aligned I would think the extra thickness should also be aligned and not vary layer by layer like it seems to be. So I'm not sure what to think about that.
Does the defect persist when using vase mode?
@Phaedrux i have not tried vasemode so I will give that one a try.
What extruder are you using?
@Nuramori bondtech. I had one with a v6 installed but that one is on my prusa now. So it’s new bondtech with a mosquito now. I had the issue on all. Maybe a bit more showing using the mosquito.
@William your left cube is kinda similair to mine but yours is stil la bit more vissable.
It does sadly. I did however spot a small bent in on of my z motors. Not sure how that happen. It had some marks cause of bolts from a pulley slipped or something. So I sanded them down and while doing that I felt the shaft being bent like a banana. So I ordered a new motor from e3d and hope that’s it, but they have 1-2 weeks before an order is shippedHere is the vase. As always uploading a picture from iOS and safari seems broken.

At least you found a likely culprit.