Pin number for onboard MCU temp sensor
I am looking for the Pin number for the onboard MCU temp sensor, please.
ie PC13 is the Bed temp pin number.I have looked at the schematic's but am not experienced on what to look for.
I know that the temp senor controls fan2 under RRF.I would like to read it much like DWC does.
Thanks in advance
The sensor is built into the microcontroller, so it doesn't use a pin.
@dc42 Morning David, thanks for your reply.
So how can it be read it, please?
RRF obviously does as you use virtual heater 100 for the MCU temp and 101 and 102 for the steppers.Regards,
Paul -
Try something like
echo boards[0].mcuTemp.current -
@OwenD Thanks for the reply.
I am not a programmer, so would not know how to use that command.
I am trying Klipper out and like the fact I could see the MCU temp in DWC / RRF and then control a fan based on that.I have put a git request in for Kevin.
Thanks again.
Paul. -
With RRF3 instead of virtual heater 100 the sensor name to monitor is "mcu-temp"