Ender 5+ and Duet 2 wifi Configuration
I have just finished step 1 for the connection of my duet 2 wifi. I am now working on step 2 wiring but would like to know if anyone has the configuration numbers for the Ender 5+ for step 3 as i am unable to locate any of the numbers i need ie.. esteps and questionable answers as they are all different from one person to the next. Also noting that another forum indicating that the BL Touch also requires additional coding as well. Hopefully someone can help me along. Is there a one file (zip) that someone has created for all this? Thanks in advance.
the ender 5 is very similar to the ender 3
so if you follow the maestro guide
this will get you quite far.
note that duet wifi and maestro have different resistors for the thermistors. (R4700)
esteps should be calibrated for each machine individually.
Another reference. I rewired my ender 5 pro for duet2:
Here is my wiring diagram using Cat6 cables and the original Z axis wiring.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IE73tfQX7RgpArzxZJwyxEA-VIYsMFzE/viewI did add a BLtouch as well. My config is at the bottom: