"RepRapFirmware on other controllers" not reachable
the category https://forum.duet3d.com/category/21/reprapfirmware-on-other-controllers is not reachable from the categories
thats because its not actually a category, rather its one of the headers used so separate different types of categories on the categories list. NodeBB for some reason allos for this type of Category "Treat this category as a section" but then still allows people to post to sections. Its frustrating, hopefully there will be a fix in the future.
In the mean time i have moved all the topics out of that category into the "other control boards" category where they should be.
Perhaps we should have separate categories for LPC-based and STM-based control boards?
It may be helpful due to the number of firmware limitations that the LPC port has in comparison to the STM port
thats done
@T3P3Tony Thank you!