Print Problems
I've never printed those objects so I don't know what its appearance may mean.
Have you tried something simply like a calibration cube? Or a stringing test?
@fcwilt Same results with any print.
this looks like a mechanical problem on the printer.
when the motors are powered. put your finger on the nozzle and see if you are able to wiggle it. there should be no movement.
@Veti It requires a decent amount of force to move.
@Gost101 what way was the benchy facing on the bed? Are there ripples on the other faces of the benchy, and if so, which? I’d guess backlash somewhere; loose belts, wrong belt shape for pulley, loose pulleys on motors, loose carriage... basically, something loose.
@droftarts The benchy was in the center of the bed with the front of the boat facing x + (eg 400). All belts and pullys are tight.
@fcwilt @Veti @droftarts The belts were pretty tight but apparently not tight enough. I tightened the y axis a little more and most of the y axis problems went away. However I cannot tighten the x axis it's basically impossible. I ordered a tension kit for it though. In addition here is the latest print with these changes.
Looks like to need to add a M593 to your config.
i would also try reducing the temperature
We'd need to see your print settings and config.g to give any more suggestions.